Local community need to be more informed about trap lines

Editor: As a certified environmental tech I have seen and learned many different and interesting things about nature.


Trap lines, berries, wildlife and roads

As a certified environmental tech I have seen and learned many different and interesting things about nature. One thing I have noticed on the Southside is the disrespect to trap line owners that have not been property informed about the logging that has been happening this past summer. I feel that some of our community has not been approached and informed about the land as well as myself and many others.

We are affected by the ditches being dug up where precious berries are supposed to be. Many of us rely on the natural berries.

There’s a high increase of wildlife. The local wolf pack that cross through many trap lines have to find a  new home due to logging, slashing and burning. The mighty grizzlies are still hanging around which is irregular for them this time of year. Cougar sightings are as common as seeing a typical black bear.

I feel for those animals because they too are a part of this world yet they are not treated as if they were. They cannot speak for themselves so I will.

Our local roads  have been turned into an old wagon trail.


Terry Lynn Peterson



Burns Lake Lakes District News