Local Samaritan in need

Friend makes an appeal on behalf of Charlie Cup organizer David Lyon.

Dear editor,

I have a small write up I wish to have you put into The North Island Gazette in support of a friend of mine who is trying to reach out to help others out. I’ve known David Lyon for a number of years and appreciate how he likes to help the young people out and others who are on low incomes.

As usual this Christmas time he is hoping to be able to make a little trip to visit his friend’s wife and family who he has gotten to know through going to the annual National Camps For The Blind.

As we all know, the cost of living has been rising and the blind pension or income assistance rates haven’t been keeping up with the cost of living like they should be so this makes his trip a real challenge.

Also he has been trying to move along several items such as an HP laser colour printer that has near full toner cartridges plus a nice washer and a dryer or two he is quite willing to give excellent deals on these items as he needs to cover his utilities before he goes on his trip.

He also hopes to make a little trip around the North Island, playing Christmas carols on his antique accordion to help make the trip possible.  The appliances are in nice shape and he will give a warranty on them too.

If you can help him by getting something he is trying to move along that would be much appreciated.  After all he has come up with some lovely prizes for the 32nd annual Charlie Cup Championship or North Island Schools Checker Championship.  If he isn’t helped he will likely face financial disaster and trouble with creditors.

I will close for now.  Hopefully any assistance from the community will help him be able to look forward to his little trip. He really enjoys making to see his friends wife and family.

Very Sincerely,

Jillypher Tsadbot



North Island Gazette