Local unions affirm pipeline opposition

A recent letter from Mr. Robert Blakely, Director of Canadian Affairs for the Building and Construction Trades Department of the American Federation of Labour in your Sept. 14, 2011 issue headline “Unions back pipeline plan” does not represent the opinion of Kitimat Terrace and District Labour Council.

Dear Sir:

A recent letter from Mr. Robert Blakely, Director of Canadian Affairs for the Building and Construction Trades Department of the American Federation of Labour in your Sept. 14, 2011 issue headline “Unions back pipeline plan” does not represent the opinion of Kitimat Terrace and District Labour Council.

The council’s stand on the Enbridge pipeline project is clear and unchanged.

We believe that the risks involved are too great  compared to the benefits for the workers and residents of the northwest.

This conclusion was and is supported unanimously by the council delegates.

The Kitimat-Terrace and District Labour Council environmental policy was established many years ago and is quite simple and can be summarized to: “We want jobs but not at any cost.” This policy still stands unchanged and we are opposed to the Enbridge pipeline and its connected tanker traffic.

John Jensen,

Kitimat-Terrace and District Labour Council,

Terrace, BC

Terrace Standard