Lock out conditions leave me concerned

My Grade 2/3 classroom is a learning environment where the set-up of the room is crucial to student learning

During this time of unrest in our school system, I feel compelled to share with you some of the ways in which the BCPSEA ‘lock out’ will impede me from doing my job as a primary/ elementary class teacher in SD72.

My Grade 2/3 classroom is a learning environment where the set-up of the room is crucial to student learning.

Daily routines are based around carefully designed areas of the classroom, such as the reading/library corner, the word wall, displays of student work and math resources and manipulatives.

Under the current terms of the government’s lock out I will not be permitted sufficient time to maintain this learning environment to its usual high standard.

On a typical day I spend at least an hour before and after school and half of my lunch break getting the room ready for daily lessons. Forty-five minutes before and after school with no time in class during recess and lunch break will allow, at best, for a cursory tidy up.

Beyond this, I was left speechless to discover that I will not be able to take my class on a field trip to the Discovery Passage Aquarium since it will overlap with recess and lunch time when I am not permitted to work, so I would be in violation of the terms of the Lockout.

To disregard the terms would mean risking disciplinary measures from my employer. In addition, I may not have the protection of WCB during that time.

Under the BCTF job action, I would be at liberty to volunteer my recess and lunch hour to facilitate this valuable educational experience for my students.

would also have an hour before and after school plus recess and lunch break to spend in my classroom, as needed.

You will note that I say ‘my class’ and ‘my students.’

This is common language amongst teachers, such is the dedication to the children we educate and this vocation we have chosen to follow.

So I want you to know that it is the government, through the employer representative, that is creating a situation that leaves me with concerns regarding the quality of teaching/learning for my students and I am sure the situation is repeated many times throughout our district and, indeed, our province.

Carol Graham

Campbell River

Campbell River Mirror