Care Closet thrift store

LockWorks saves the day for free at Care Closet

Care Closet thrift store had its locked jammed and a line up of customers wanting in


It was a near disaster on a recent Wednesday morning at the Care Closet Thrift Store at 574 Main Street. The front door was jammed shut. Staff had to stand outside to inform customers lined up to enter, that we were unable to open until the front door could be repaired.

Dale of LockWorks was soon on the job and by 11:00 the door was once again functional and customers were able to enjoy a visit to The Care Closet.

We anticipated a fairly large bill for the call out and repair. But, the kindly folks at Lock Works knowing that all our proceeds go to help our three partners:- The Medical Foundation of the South Okanagan, The Hospital Auxiliary and the Penticton & District Hospice Society Informed us that there would be NO CHARGE!

Thank you LockWorks so very much for your timely work and your donation to our cause. We appreciated your prompt service and abilities to repair the door.

Jan Higgins

Secretary to Care Closet Management Committee

Penticton Western News