Logging decisions will define Clearwater’s connection to park

Your suggestion that we find alternative ways to log in Upper Clearwater makes a mockery of our call for a broadly based public discussion

Editor, The Times

Your two recent editorials concerning growing tensions between Canfor and Upper Clearwater residents (among others) give off far more heat than light.

Your suggestion that we find alternative ways to log in Upper Clearwater makes a mockery of our call for a broadly based public discussion – one that doesn’t focus exclusively on fibre.

Rightly or wrongly, we believe that the larger Clearwater community is at a major crossroads. Wells Gray pumps $20 million of new money into Clearwater each year. Decisions will soon be made that will effectively define Clearwater’s connection to Wells Gray Park for the rest of time. If that isn’t worth having a conversation about, then I really don’t know what is.

I hope you can make our information meeting this Saturday at 10 a.m. We’ll meet at the Spahats picnic area and happily serve you lunch.

Trevor Goward


Upper Clearwater, B.C.



Clearwater Times