Logging to be sad day for Oceanside

Its a sad day for Mt. Arrowsmith and the people off Oceanside! The CPR trail located across the highway at the south end of Cameron Lake is scheduled for logging.

Its a sad day for Mt. Arrowsmith and the people off Oceanside! The CPR trail located across the highway at the south end of Cameron Lake is scheduled for logging.

Island Timberlands is going to log the last foot accesses to Mt. Arrowsmith.

After clear cutting sections of the lower Ralph Rosseau trail that went from the back of Cathedral Grove, it is now unusable.

With the proposed road building and clear cutting they are going to destroy the last foot access to the Arrowsmith Park.

This trail has been heavily used for over 100 years. Canada’s famous explorers Don and Phyllis Munday hiked this trail in the 1920s and from the top they discovered their “Mystery Mountain” due north in the coast range later to be named Mt. Waddington — the largest fully in Canada.

Island Timberlands has no respect for the past or the future of this community or our love of the outdoors.

What good is having a mountain park that you have to drive miles of clear cuts to get to?

Wesley Klassen

Qualicum Beach

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