Long-term bonds could fund Comox Valley infrastructure projects

Dear editor,

I have a vision of a 20-per-cent solution to help construct the infrastructure projects uppermost in the minds of our voters.

Dear editor,

I have a vision of a 20-per-cent solution to help construct the infrastructure projects uppermost in the minds of our voters.

Rather than wait for infrastructure dollars to trickle down to our home, I see a different way to raise those funds.

How much would be saved by financing the new hospitals with long-term bonds?

Hundred-year bonds were used by Walt Disney to grow his theme parks. Longer-term bonds were used by Coca-Cola, Canadian Pacific, the United Kingdom, and most recently Apple, to manage their growth and reduce their borrowing costs at various points in their histories.

People bought into these organizations because they believed they would be in business in 100 years.

How many construction jobs would be created to rebuild the curling rink, Vanier Secondary School, or even the historic Palace Theatre, built in 1940? It would be great if we could put a shovel in the dirt tomorrow and spread the savings over many years.

When our community and the province are preparing to borrow to construct the new hospitals, please consider getting our community another 20 per cent, to invest in the construction of several infrastructure projects in the Comox Valley.

Get these funds administered by the Comox Valley Community Foundation.

I trust many of you will see the merits of this idea and support the beautification of the Comox Valley.

Bud Taylor,



Comox Valley Record