Long-term plan needed for LNG

Proposed liquefied natural gas facilities and exports could ensure economic prosperity for decades.

To the Editor,

B.C. is poised to become a major player in the global energy sector. Proposed liquefied natural gas facilities and exports could ensure economic prosperity for decades. It is important to proceed carefully now to ensure that we get the best possible deal for the people of this province.

Our premier claims we should trust our current government to accomplish this because it negotiated a good deal in the teachers dispute. Can she possibly be serious? To compare negotiations in resolving a mere labour dispute to those with the economic, environmental and social benefits and risks associated in dealing with a foreign energy giant on a scale that involves tens of billions of dollars is absurd. A bad deal could not simply be renegotiated in a few years when the contract expires.

A good deal here would provide thousands of long-term jobs for B.C. workers, apprenticeships and training for B.C. youth and huge long-term economic benefits. A bad deal would line the pockets of already wealthy corporations while leaving the B.C. people behind.

Dennis M. KalackLantzville

Nanaimo News Bulletin