Long way to go yet in equality fight

Today (Oct. 18) is Persons Day in Canada.

To the Editor,

Today (Oct. 18) is Persons Day in Canada.

On Oct. 18, 1929, the British Privy Council made a decision that resulted in Canadian women becoming “persons” under the law.

We can thank five very persistent women from Alberta – Emily Murphy, Nellie McClung, Louise McKinney, Irene Parlby, and Henrietta Edwards – better known as the Famous Five, for taking their case forward to the Supreme Court of Canada which found against them, and finally to the British Privy Council where they won.

It was a landmark case.

Over the past 81 years, there have been many gains for women in society generally and in the working world.

However, there is still much to do to achieve pay equity, greater representation at all levels of politics, and full participation of disadvantaged women in all facets of society.

We should all celebrate Persons Day, but not rest on any laurels just yet.

Susan Murphy

Canadian Federation of University Women


Nanaimo News Bulletin