Longtime resident pays tribute to local environmentalist

Clearwater has lost a champion whose efforts through many years kept us informed

Editor’s Note: The following letter is in regard to Colleen Foster, who passed away on Oct. 27.

Editor, The Times:

Clearwater has lost a champion whose efforts through many years kept us informed via this paper about concerns regarding local and global issues. Colleen was active in acquiring the level of health care we have now; our hospital, staff and equipment.

She was instrumental in the forming of the YEA (Yellowhead Ecological Association), which resulted in a moratorium on uranium mining in B.C. The proposed mine above Birch Island would have opened the “Pandora’s Box” of radiation, sent tailings to a plastic lined pond next to the North Thompson River and closed the Birch Island Elementary School. The YEA is not yet dead! Nor are we….

Colleen also warned about the ecology, global warming, pollution and genetically modified food crops and spraying. The health care system she championed has let her down. However, let us not let her down. Be vigilant.

Fran McRae

Clearwater, B.C.


Clearwater Times