Look at economic benefit

Instead of this fear of pipelines, look at the economic benefit of them for the economy.

Editor, The News:

Re: Protest to defend climate (The News, Nov. 20).

We are informed not to be saddled by a fossil-fuel-dependent economy. Well, I, and no doubt Mike Gildersleeve and the whole economy depend on it, whether we like it or not.

But this leads us to the pipelines, which will deliver bitumen to Kitimat, to be shipped past our coast, and Mr. Gildersleeve’s fears of a disastrous spill.

However, I wonder whether he is aware of the fact that, for years, thousands of oil tankers have sailed past our  coast, transporting Alaskan oil. It seems to me that protesting about these pipelines is unnecessary fear-mongering.

A woman is depicted holding a sign reading: “Pipeline kills communities.’’

Does she not know that a high-pressure gas line runs right through Maple Ridge, and has for years? It did not kill anything, as far as I know, and I have been here for a long time.

Instead of this fear of pipelines, look at the economic benefit of them for the economy.

Henry Blok

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News