Look at the EMF radiation facts

I feel certain that the RDN’s clear endorsement of a Telus cell tower stems from a belief that the technology is safe.

I feel certain that the Regional District of Nanaimo’s clear endorsement of a Telus cell tower stems from a belief that the technology is safe, and in response to the number of people who want the tower. The future will thank the regional district for taking an adjusted stance on this matter.

The non-industry funded studies abound. There is clear evidence of multiple harm to living tissue at the molecular level by cell radiation (Google “Bioinitiative 2012 Report”). It is not a convenient truth. This matter of extreme carcinogenic and other health responses to EMF, standing in direct opposition to the strong financial and convenience incentives to boost wireless technology.

This is not a matter for social activists, green activists or the like. It is hard evidence-based truths which sadly most people still do not know, and which our federal government is continuing to officially ignore. Lloyds of London, the WHO, France, Belgium, Japan, Germany and other entities have acknowledged the facts.

I ask the regional district to please have the courage to join them in the big picture.

Cecilie DavidsonQualicum Beach

Parksville Qualicum Beach News