Looking ahead

Editorial comment geared to this particular year-end

Off the top, here’s hoping the festive season has been good for you and the folks who mean the most to you.

As the accompanying items on this page illustrate – sorrow and tragedy are never too far from our consciousness, and, sadly, not influenced by the calendar or any other factor.

For those of us who are fortunate, life does go on and we can only hope the conditions are more favourable as time elapses. We can also hope that, somehow, there can be some way to effectively reduce crimes of all descriptions – a tall order – but well worth aspiring to.

On the horizon are some hopeful signs according to reports over the past while.Economic conditions are said by some to be on the way to an upswing. Although we’ll never know exactly what’s in store until we get there, it’s a lot more cheerful than dire predictions that our economy is about to dissolve.

There is some important news ahead that’s very relevant to the West Kootenays in general, and Castlegar in particular… it involves WestJet and whether the carrier plans to begin service in and out of West Kootenay Regional Airport. Those in the know have been no more specific in terms of when we can expect an announcement, than “early in the New Year.” So, hopefully, we’ve got something positive to look forward to.

As for what else lies ahead, here’s hoping it’s nothing we can’t handle.

Happy New Year!

Castlegar News