Looking Back

A trip back through the Sooke News Mirror's time machine

July 25, 1984

Nestman welcomes sewer study

Some 15 Sooke businessmen, galvanized into action by Regional Director Ray Nestman’s pledge to clean up Sooke harbour and basin from sewage pollution, have pledged $100 apiece to help finance the study of a new sewer system and treatment plant for the commercial core.

Previous studies have indicated that the cost of a sewage system for this area could run into the millions and in April, 1979, the Regional Director Charlie Perkins reported that both the CRD and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs declared this figure was “far beyond the capabilities of the community” and the matter was dropped.


July 29, 1987

Arts, 87 designer happy with show result

Fine Arts ‘87 show designer Stuart Stark said that when he was asked to make over the Sooke Arena into an art gallery for the first show, Fine Arts 86, his first thought was, “no way.”

“The first time I saw the arena was in February, 1986. The place was knee-deep in peewee hockey players and steam and bright lights and it was hard to visualize it as an art gallery.

“But the energy and enthusiasm of the people from the Sooke Region Museum who were planning the show, coupled with the fact that I enjoy taking on formidable tasks, was enough to convince me to try it,” he told the Mirror.

The results of his efforts are now history, The area was miraculously transformed into a sophisticated art gallery with art works exhibited in a series of modular pods which, combined with a masterful use of lighting, give the viewer the feeling of intimacy within the large arena.


July 24, 1991

Bob Clark confident Socreds can win with Rita Johnston

Though the majority of the Sooke delegates attending the Social Credit convention in Vancouver last weekend ended supporting the losing candidate for leader of the party, candidate Bob Clark says he’s confident that the party “can close ranks and win with Rita.”

Most of the candidates from the Malahat-Juan de Fuca riding had committed their support to Mel Couvelier on the first ballot,” said Mr. Clark.


July 28, 2004

Region residents differ on annexing Silver Spray

Sooke supports annexation; Lund wants vote

While the District of Sooke Monday night reaffirmed its support of a proposed annexation of the Silver Spray development, the Juan de Fuca electoral area regional director Erik Lund believes a referendum on amalgamation is needed.

“Let’s vote,” he said. “Let’s do it, let’s not wait until next year. Let’s do it now.”


July 25, 2007

Log jam gets action

The study of log jams on the San Juan River near Port Renfrew and possible courses of action in clearing the jams, are meeting with approval from Dr. Keith Martin, Member of Parliament for Esquimalt-Juan de Fuca.

The Liberal MP had visited the site of the timber blockage last month, later expressing concern over the scope and gravity of the situation. He felt action ought to begin right away to have some clearing of the watercourse completed before the fall rains made such work impossible.

Thousands of logs jam the river bed in a scenario some feel poses a threat to fish habitat as well as homes in and around Port Renfrew. There is a fear of flooding as well as damage from fast moving logs which could be dislodged by high water and sent down stream toward the village and lands belonging to the Pacheedaht First Nation.


Sooke News Mirror