Looking for angels in disguise

Some people say angels don't exist, but I see many of them walk among us every day.

Easter  arrives with its promise of rebirth. We can read the magical story of the resurrection and take comfort and hope from that message or we can watch everything around us coming back to life and feed off the energy  that brings.

We can imagine all those bulbs buried in the dark all winter and now beginning to push the rocks and dirt away from their caves and come back to life. We can find ourselves opening our doors and heading out into the sunlight once again to rake and clean and sweep away the darkness of the winter.

We look for signs to reinforce the messages of the Bible and yet sometimes we look too hard. Sometimes we look for such dramatic miracles that we miss the little ones happening around us all the time.

Like angels for instance. Some people say they don’t exist. But I have seen many of them and they walk among us every day. The message of Easter is that we all get a second chance. Watch for the angels, they’ll show you the way. At least that’s what McGregor says.

Angels in Disguise


Do you look for halos

or maybe feathered wings?

Do you expect to hear them

gently plucking golden strings?

Maybe you just search too hard,

you see, the real surprise is,

Angels come from everywhere

in different shapes and sizes.

That teacher there who quietly says,

‘you’re not a stupid kid;’

‘We’ll find the key to get you through, just like the others did.’

The student knows he’s got his help,

but does he understand,

He’s in the presence of an Angel,

not just an ordinary man?


You see that palliative care nurse

who quietly sheds a tear;

She’s on another double shift,

so many times this year;

She gently cleans and calms them,

makes them as comfortable as can be,

she’s the first of many Angels

soon they’re going to see.


Listen to that little girl

pull her first breath from the air

Watch those gathered round her

talk about her eyes and hair;

But in the wonderment of creation

and the miracle of birth,

You’ll see the glow that lets you know,

A  new Angel’s come to earth.


Don’t waste your lifetime searching

for halos, harps or wings

Just live by the Golden Rule

with all the joy that brings;

If you live each day a caring way

the way you ought to do,

You’ll find an Angel in your mirror

gently smiling back at you.

Langley Times