Looking for leadership


Re: White Rock to take over water supply, June 13.


Re: White Rock to take over water supply, June 13.

My hat’s off to the mayor and council for their decision to attempt to re-municipalize the water supply.

Given that Epcor has been making money simply by being the facilitator of what many consider a public good, and that, even though the decision to privatize the system may have looked favourable when it was made, a move back to “owning” our water and controlling how it is delivered will simply be better for the city in the long run.

The city and its taxpayers should never have had to subsidize a private company to deliver what is already essentially ours.

As much as Epcor may not be interested in selling their stake in our water, it is essential that the owners of the water – all the citizens and stakeholders of White Rock – maintain control of a public good for the betterment of our city over the long term. If connecting to the already existing regional water system is the best option, pursue it.

I guess what I’m ultimately looking for is leadership – the ability to move forward, act progressively and in the best interests of the city. Telling me “we tried” or that Epcor “wasn’t interested” simply isn’t enough, and exactly the opposite of what we should expect and demand from our elected representatives.

Graham Wood, White Rock

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Wouldn’t it make sense to bring money back into our city, along with better quality water and higher maintenance standards, through buying back control of White Rock water from Epcor?

We would then have access to information concerning what is actually being done with White Rock water fees. Not so, as it stands today.

Would there not be a better chance of addressing high arsenic levels and preventing further bacterial contamination, if we took back the reins of power?

Admittedly, it is cheaper to just chlorinate instead of ensuring proper maintenance of pipes and reservoirs, but chlorine has been proven to be carcinogenic.

It may sound costly to buy back, but ultimately, White Rock will save money and get superior service.

There are reasons why many European cities are buying back ownership of their water services.

I sincerely hope the mayor and council will embrace White Rock taking back control of its water, so that we, the residents, receive the service and quality we pay for.


R.L. Kirkpatrick, White Rock



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