Looking for lost cat

Reading seeking assistance in finding her runaway cat

To the editor:

My two-year-old cat ran away in August, while a lady in my home was taking care of her, as I had recently moved close by and I had to go away for a couple of weeks.

I let my neighbours from my previous home know where I was with letters with my phone numbers, a description of her, and asked if they saw her to contact me immediately.

I contacted the SPCA and my vet, of course. She has a tattoo. I have searched desperately for her, but to no avail.

Her name is Nanette, and she is short-haired orange, with stripes on her tail. She disappeared in the vicinity of Eighth Street and Spruce Avenue. If anyone spots her, as she was apparently seen around Big Country Storage, which is close to me, please call Nancye at 250-395-2684, 250-395-4400, 250-706-1406.

I hope she is tucked away in someone’s home, comfortable and warm.

Nancye Fenton

100 Mile House

100 Mile House Free Press