Looks like another promise is not going to come to pass

Hopefully any of those reading this who agree with me will make their wishes known to our M.P.s

To the editor;

One of the many great promises we heard in the fall of 2015 was: “We are committed to ensuring that 2015 will be the last federal election conducted under the first-past-the-post voting system?” (Liberal Party of Canada platform).

It is beginning to look as though this is another promise that is not going to come to pass. My disappointment is growing into anger.

I strongly believe that for Canada to have a democracy we must have a government that is elected by some form of proportional representation.

I also believe that if our current government gives us four years of fair and honest administration, they will be re-elected by a revised system.

I hope that any of those reading this who agree with me will make their wishes known to our M.P.s in Ottawa.

Jean Nelson,

Clearwater, B.C.


Barriere Star Journal