Loon Lake Society executive resign

LLCRAS executive announce their resignation in open letter to Loon Lake residents.

Dear Editor

Open letter to residents of Loon Lake:

We write with regard to the Loon Lake Road Recreational and Agricultural Society (LLCRAS) – also known as “the community association.”

Since elections in October 2011 we have tried to serve the LLCRAS and ensure that the society was run according to the bylaws and the requirements of the Societies Act.

Only one meeting after the elections, four Board members initiated a campaign of harassment and intimidation toward other board members. These four members have been breaking the bylaws and undertaking unauthorized actions in the name of the society. We arranged for a negotiator/mediator to try to get everyone to sit down and talk things out. This offer has been rejected. The intimidation, unauthorized use of society facilities, supplies and membership lists continues. We realize we can no longer ensure that the society’s bylaws and proper procedures are observed.

The Society does not have insurance to cover members of the Board of Directors should some improper behaviour or action result in some serious incident.

We have therefore regretfully resigned our positions on the Board of Directors and all committee positions of the LLCRAS and withdrawn our memberships in the society.

With sincere regrets,

Denice Hart

Susan Graham

Barbara Hendricks

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal