Losing confidence in city hall

Penticton council making too many decisions without consulting residents

In past experiences, I have sent the mayor and council many emails voicing my concerns about many issues. Do they respond? Council no, and the mayor sometimes, but I only get double talk and false promises.

Who are these people? They sit in a big chamber and seem to do as they please even after a public outcry. Look at some of the decisions they have made. They allowed the mooring of pleasure crafts on the beach which took away approximately 150 feet of area where we used to swim and play with our kids.

On the weekend of Aug. 19, there were  two 35-foot cabin cruisers parked on the beach. I witnessed the owners of the two yachts allowing their dogs to run loose on the beach. Loud music from their stereo systems and dumping leftover liquids from glasses and cans into the water. Oh, did I mention that I took my granddaughter in the water, to find the presence of oil and gas.

And now they are bringing back two of those small buses. They are an accident waiting to happen. Again, against all who opposed these buses, which included the drivers, the mayor and council are bringing them back. To save money?

I sent the mayor and council a list of 10 major concerns about how Global Spectrum were mismanaging the SOEC. This went to deaf ears. I got one response from the mayor which was a political answer, this is where the double talk and false promises comes into effect.

You see, they do as they please no matter what or who it affects. They are abusing the system and make these decisions without consultation. They don’t make things better, they make them worse. I have no confidence in the mayor or council as they lead this fair city of ours into oblivion.

Garry Fawcett





Penticton Western News