Lots happening in February

Attended my first yoga class, through ElderCollege. Yoga is not for sissies. I will go back for the next two sessions, I am not a quitter.

Attended my first yoga class, through ElderCollege. Yoga is not for sissies. I will go back for the next two sessions, I am not a quitter.

Remember I told you about being the egg disposal person for BB and Carlotta? Well I am at eight eggs so far. Never seen anything like this — it is like “Sex in the City.”

February is a busy month, many events to enjoy. Games Night for ages 9–12, Feb. 4 and 11, 7 p.m. To 9 p.m. at the library. Challenge your friends to a game or help set up and run board games, volunteers are needed. You should be able to read and explain instructions and enjoy working with youth. Snacks will keep your strength up. Like to knit or want to learn? Come out Monday evenings for a Teen Knitting Club, also at the library. Help with set up and teach a lifelong skill. Like poetry? Try your hand at writing one. Your poem must be 40 lines or less. The challenge is to use four special words: wing, read, smash and test. You have until midnight Feb. 28 to submit it to the library. Three prize categories: adult (19-and-older), teen (13-18) and child (12 and under).

In Our Backyard is a new lecture series at the library. There has already been one on cheese which was well attended. Next is on Feb. 28, called “Introduction to Beekeeping” with Lou Blackburn. Each month will feature a talk on something of interest from the world around us. Raising organic poultry, birding, canoeing and kayaking, foraging for wild edibles, bugs, back country travel and mountaineering. Check the library website or call 250-847-3043 for more information.

On Feb. 12 at the Friendship Centre Hall is Family Play Day. Volunteers needed to help with set-up, take-down and running activity booths. Call Elke at 250-847-9515 for information.

See the newly released documentary “The Dark Side of Chocolate” on Feb. 11, 7.00 p.m., at Muheim school gym. This documentary reveals new evidence that child labour and human trafficking continue in the cocoa fields for thousands of children, nearly a decade after the major players in the cocoa industry promised to resolve these problems. This is part of a National Week of Action, part of the Raise the Bar! Hershey campaign, pressing chocolate manufacturers to end exploitative child labour in the cocoa fields. Fair Trade chocolates will be for sale. For information call Pauline at 250-877-7737.

A reminder: bring your lunch and listen to Teryl Schopfer and Sandra Stanley, home care nurses, speak about “Having a Healthy Heart” at noon, at the Healthy Living Centre, Thursday, Feb. 3. A good time to ask questions about your heart and the Healthy Heart Program.

Closing with: Instinct is the nose of the mind. Delphine Gay de Girardin.

Smithers Interior News