Lots of places to display art

Editor: Re: Aug. 1 edition of the Lakes District News regarding the Lakes Artisan Cooperative Centre.


Re: Aug. 1 edition of the Lakes District News regarding the Lakes Artisan Cooperative and “no where else in Burns Lake to display local art…..” as stated by Paula Laurie.

I wonder where she comes up with this statement when there are at least four locations as well as a newly established art collective called ARTcore54 with an online artisan directory.

Process 4 circle arts gallery, Burns Lake Native Development Corporation displays local First Nations art and crafts, the chamber of commerce and of course the  artisan centre.

This is not including the seven concerts a year Lakes District Arts Council where local artists have the opportunity to display their work exhibition style (with portions of the sales that night going back into our community),  followed by a month in Process 4  and “Art around Town” gives local artisans the opportunity to display work in different businesses throughout town.  So “there is no where to display local art?”

Visiting Process 4 on a regular basis I can tell you there are at least 36 artists including local First Nation artists displayed in his shop.

I can also tell you in the past there has been up to 12 artists displayed at in the heritage meeting room of the chamber.  How many artist are apart of the artisan centre…10 going down to seven?

The Artisan centre has recently asked to lower their rent by $100 is this due to lack of membership fees and artists not being able to volunteer their allocated time for the month?

If that’s the case then Process 4 or other businesses should have some incentives, maybe snow removal, taxes lowered… cause clearly when you break the $400 down no business in Burns Lake can survive.

Everyone knows the term starving artist and Burns Lakes’s local artists are no different.

As an artist and having worked with artists throughout this region I have found the response to be pretty repetitive “I just want to paint, I just want to do what I love”  then pay the commissions (which are low compared to the lower mainland) and have someone be your public relations, advertise, sell and display your work so you can do what you love.

E. Martens



Burns Lake Lakes District News