Lots of things seen from Doiron’s porch

Lorraine Doiron writes about happenings in her View from the Porch column.

Fact: it takes a piece of paper two-to-four weeks to decompose, a banana peel three-to-five months, a cotton rag one-to-five months,  and a cigarette butt two-to-five years. A disposable diaper takes 10-20 years, an aluminum can 200 400 years, piece of plastic 450 years, and a piece of glass over 1 million years.

At the Library is PJ Storytime. Celebrate Family Literacy Day by listening to stories and doing a bedtime craft to take home. Bring your blanket and teddy bear on Thursday Jan. 26, from 6:30–7:30 p.m.

The Northwest Animal Shelter will be holding a silent auction during the presentation of “The Grey” at the Roi Theatre on January 25. It runs to February 1. The lobby will be open to the public during business hours; you do not have to pay to see the movie in order to view the auction items. Most of you know the hard work that NWAS does. Funds raised will be put to good use, helping care for our furry community members. NWAS is also asking for volunteers to oversee auction items on display. Go to info@nwas.ca to indicate your availability.

On February 11 it’s the Glenwood Women’s Institute Annual Bake Sale in the Bulkley Village Mall (Extra Foods). Treats for all!

I attended the Centennial 2013 Community meeting. Was greeted by the Youth Valley Fiddlers, a rousing start to the opportunity of hearing so many creative ideas from those who attended. One of the goals for the meeting was to record events that happen on a regular basis during the year (Trade Show, Fall Fair, etc.). Perhaps people plan family or class reunions, music/dance events, conferences. The idea is to alert everyone that 2013 is our Centennial Year, tweak events to reflect this and link to other happenings, all with the Centennial theme. Ideas: Battle of the Bands; fireworks; history in stories/songs; period dress/sports equipment; Smithers Centennial pin/flag; Centennial quilt; a Legacy Project. A thought: plan to get together with current residents, invite former residents over the August long weekend, take the opportunity to visit, enjoy events happening that weekend with old and new friends! The cold outside could not dampen the spirit of creativity inside. Fuel was provided by Saint Joseph’s Grade 7 class, wonderful home baked treats, tea, coffee.  Ilan, Sydney, Amanda, Cameron, Jessica worked the table, trading goodies for donations that went toward their class’ end of the year trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Centennial 2013 Celebrations belong to all of us; it is our year long party. Every event, however small or large will give life to our Centennial. Have an idea, or planning a gathering? Call me at 847-4797. I will put you in touch with a member of the committee.

Closing with: A good scare is worth more to a man than good advice. Edgar Watson Howe.


– Lorraine Doiron writes the weekly View from the Porch column.

Smithers Interior News