Lower Cumberland sounds like a good name for new development

Dear editor
Re: cartoon (Record, July 8).
Trilogy lands (Cayet) being in the boundaries of the Village of Cumberland are therefore a part of the Village of Cumberland. Everyone who has any knowledge of the history of this project already knows this and to not mention or downplay this in their website and advertising promotions makes one wonder if this is through ignorance, arrogance, an oversight, deliberate exclusion, a marketing scheme or some other reason or all of the above.

Dear editorRe: cartoon (Record, July 8).Trilogy lands (Cayet) being in the boundaries of the Village of Cumberland are therefore a part of the Village of Cumberland. Everyone who has any knowledge of the history of this project already knows this and to not mention or downplay this in their website and advertising promotions makes one wonder if this is through ignorance, arrogance, an oversight, deliberate exclusion, a marketing scheme or some other reason or all of the above.The land is situated in the Village of Cumberland at a lower elevation and a good name for the subdivision, as coined by Coun. Kate Greening, may be Lower Cumberland.Vera Lynn Moan,Upper Cumberland

Comox Valley Record