LRT tax increase would hit low-income

Unmentioned or perhaps forgotten in the debate about light rail transit are the renters and lower-income individuals and families

Unmentioned or perhaps forgotten in the debate about light rail transit are the renters and lower-income individuals and families.

The province will have no choice but to allow landlords to increase rents over and above the statutory limit to offset the significant tax impact. Coupled with sewage treatment, this is going to cause many hardships.

Secondly, there are going to be so few, relatively speaking, that will benefit from it. Just as minimal will be the benefits from sewage treatment.

Both of these expenditures, because of the significance of their tax implications should go to a public referendum, just as we took the HST to public referendum because of its tax implications.

We could do it at the same time as the upcoming civic elections. It would save a whole ton of money.

Bob Broughton




Goldstream News Gazette