Lucky woodcutter

woodcutter saved by hunter

At this time of year, quite a few hearty souls are out cutting their wood for the winter, but please don’t go out there alone.

Last week, a neighbour of mine ignored this advice and went to get some wood in for the winter. Well, the unimaginable happened.

I’m not clear on the specifics, but the end result was that he is now in the hospital with a broken back and a shattered ankle.

Were it not for the kindness and luck of a stranger passing by, my neighbour could have possibly suffered more.

Luckily, a hunter was driving down the same logging road, spotted the man, called for help and guided the fire truck and ambulance to the scene of the accident.

Not only did he do all that, but he also drove my neighbour’s truck home for him and dropped off the keys.

Not all of us are going to be as fortunate to have the help of a good samaritan, so please take someone with you when you go get your wood.


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