MacGregor seems to aim to silence those with whom he disagrees

No one argues as to whether or not extremist right wing hate groups should be condemned.

MacGregor seems to aim to silence those with whom he disagrees

MP Alistair MacGregor’s column in the Sept. 8 edition of the Citizen hit all of the talking points and key expressions one might expect from a left wing progressive politician. However, its tenor and implied arguments were neither entirely fair nor the kind of balanced commentary we deserve from a federal politician.

No one argues as to whether or not extremist right wing hate groups should be condemned. They should. Always. Any reasonable person would agree. However, the dreadful mistake made by one Rebel correspondent, acting against the direction of her superior, does not mean that she reflects the views of all alternate media. She was summarily fired, and has paid the price for her rash association.

It would seem to me that Mr. MacGregor’s main aim is that voices other than the kind he approves of be silenced. Canadians deserve to have a variety of viewpoints, not just the standard CBC left leaning editorial commentary. Americans and Canadians are now deeply concerned about their diminishing rights and freedoms, which are being removed or suppressed in the name of “combatting hate speech.” Witness political correctness, Google and You Tube who are silencing alternative views, and the HRCs whose dreadful record of punishing those who do not tow a certain philosophical line which is both alarming and offensive. We won’t even touch on the CBC’s biases.

Those who are voicing their concerns about the potential direction of legislation that might result in them being muzzled and losing their Charter rights, are now suddenly “racists” or Nazis. This kind of childish hyperbole serves no one.

I also note that Mr. McGregor does not condemn Antifa, the left wing anarchist organization that acts much more in the manner of Nazi brown shirts, by breaking up peaceful rallies, attacking people, wearing masks and intimidating peaceful citizens, unlike centre or conservative groups.

If we are to have any real “reconciliation” it must not come on the backs of conservative or traditional Canadians who are being shamed on an almost daily basis. Former NDP B.C. premier Ujjal Dosanjh was right. Nothing will be gained by “silencing white men.” (National Post, Jan. 4, 2016)

We must work for real reconciliation, which does not mean tearing down historical statues, labelling well meaning citizens “racists” or “colonialists” or engaging in the polemics and politics of guilt and shame. The NDP, by the way, would do well to look at its own discriminatory policy of not allowing white males to run in elections. Racism and discrimination take many forms, not the least of which is the one they are guilty of.

Perry Foster


Cowichan Valley Citizen