Make Beacon Avenue pedestrian-only

Don’t go back to the old way. That didn’t work in the first place.

Re: traffic flow in Sidney, PNR April 19.

Don’t go back to the old way. That didn’t work in the first place. Here are two better ideas, each with a slightly different objective in each case.

1. Make Beacon a pedestrian-only zone. This is called pedestrianisation, and has been used successfully in many places in Europe.

2. Make Beacon one way west and Bevan one way east.

It simplifies the current flow on Beacon and helps businesses on both streets. I would suggest that traffic coming into Sidney travels one way, east, down Bevan to First Street. Then left to the roundabout and one way, west, up Beacon and out of town.

I’m wondering if some version of this scenario has ever been considered? I think there would be less accidents and I always wonder why over half of the cars to not come to a complete stop at the stop signs in Sidney?

Both of these ideas make the areas safer, and less confusing.

Heather Neville



Victoria News