Make giving year round

EDITORIAL: North Okanagan shows it is full of giving spirit through latest donations to the Upper Room Mission

The spirit of giving is ringing loud and clear in the North Okanagan this holiday season.

Following a plea for support of its backpack program, the Upper Room Mission was flooded with approximately 275 backpacks, filled with toiletries and goodies.

As one client stated, the community’s support has brought Christmas back for many who had at one point lost hope.

While many people know that this community is a generous one, it is examples like this that really show our charitable nature.

But the recent success at the Mission isn’t the only story of giving.

All around our community there are examples of just how kind and caring citizens can be.

Whether it’s a young child collecting toys for Santas Anonymous, a family lighting a Vernon Jubilee Hospital Foundation bulb or a senior volunteering to ring the Salvation Army kettle bells for a shift or two.

‘Tis the season for giving.

But as this holiday season officially begins, the hustle and bustle of family traditions will take over.

Before we know it, Christmas will begin to fade into a distant memory.

Unfortunately, the spirit of giving tends to go with it and we tuck all reminders of the season back in storage and get on with our busy lives.

But let us not forget that the need, whether it’s for food, support services, shelter or just a kind gesture, are needed year-round.

So celebrate the season and all it means to you, but let the spirit of giving ring true well into the new year.

– Vernon Morning Star

Vernon Morning Star