Make south end safer in 2015

I was glad to read of the recent audit by Canada World Youth on women’s sense of safety in Nanaimo’s south side.

To the Editor,

Re: Audit aims to create discussion about safety in city’s south end, Dec. 24.

I was glad to read of the recent audit by Canada World Youth on women’s sense of safety in Nanaimo’s south side. I was not surprised to hear of safety issues, such as insufficient lighting, overgrown bushes, and lack of signs pointing to emergency services. 2014 seems to be the year in which many women-related issues have come to light. I am sure positive changes could be effected without a huge expenditure. I hope to see Mayor Bill McKay and city council examining these important concerns, and coming up with some answers. We all deserve to feel safe walking in our neighborhood day or night.

Trish MooneyNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin