Make sure your vet will honour your choice

It seems that many of our local veterinarian offices have been bought out by large conglomerates.



Make sure your vet will honour your choice

The day that pet owners fear the most is when they need to make the unselfish decision to end their beloved pet’s suffering.

That day for me was Aug. 19. It is a gut wrenching, devastating decision when we realize that it is not fair to prolong their suffering. After a week of my 18-year-old Jack Russell dog having severe diarrhea with vomiting and no appetite — we desperately needed out vet’s assistance.

After arriving at the vet I was told by the vet on duty that she would not euthanize my dog to end his pain. Instead she wanted to run a blood panel (which I refused). I was so upset. It was unbelievable that she would not honour my wihses.

It seems that many of our local privately owned veterinarian offices have been bought out by large conglomerates.

Luckily we still have a privately owned vet office in Duncan. They took my Gizzi in the next day, wrapped him in a warm blanket and ended his suffering in a loving, humane manner. They honoured my wishes and made the decision for him.

Bregitha Miller


Cowichan Valley Citizen