Make transit user-pay

Do they know how much it’s going to cost or is this a never-ending drain on the taxpayers?

I am sick and tired of the mill stone (TransLink) sucking taxpayers for more money time and again.

Now they are proposing raising the sales tax to fund even more of their pet projects.

If they are successful in this money grab, I will spend even more money in Bellingham to avoid this tax. People already fill up their cars elsewhere to avoid the TransLink gas taxes. It is a matter of principle.

Transit should be user-pay since most people seldom ever use it, but car owners are the ones who get dinged for it.

The well is dry so my advice to TransLink is to make do with what you have because I am not willing to pay any more.

Kevin Buffel


Poor decisions at TransLink

Does anyone know how I can get a job with TransLink?

At the company that I currently work at, if I screwed up as bad as these highly paid top management types, I would be out on my ear.

I would like to finish my career at a place where poor decisions go unnoticed. I could be CEO in no time.

Greg Ruecker


A drain on taxpayers

First they proposed  a vehicle levy (of $130), now it’s a tax increase.

Do they know how much it’s going to cost or is this a never-ending drain on the taxpayers?

If $130 from me will make it work, I’ll give it, but don’t come back saying it’s not enough. Maybe there should be a levy on all the new residents of our region that are helping create the road congestion.

My friends moved out of Surrey to escape the tax monster. I’m thinking about it now.

Don West, Surrey

Surrey Now Leader