Making a difference

The John Howard Society of the North Okanagan thanks Vernon Marks Work Wearhouse

The John Howard Society of the North Okanagan would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the Vernon Marks Work Wearhouse for its ongoing generous donations of clothing, footwear and warm jackets.

The donations benefit various programs operated by JHSNOK.

These programs include Gateway support services for women and men, Howard House men’s shelter, transitional housing, the harm reduction drug and alcohol program, Bill’s Place 12-Step Sober Living, housing outreach and employment programs.

JHSNOK provides shelter, housing and free food services for up to 95 people on a daily bases and provides outreach to hundreds more in the community. JHSNOK also holds a free clothing room where individuals can access needed clothes for work and everyday living.

Leftover donations from Mark’s Work Wearhouse have been distributed to other community organizations that provide clothing for the needy.

Kelly Fehr,

Manager of Shelter Services


Vernon Morning Star