Many animals falling through the cracks

Despite a large number of animal welfare agencies, it's hard to get any of them to act at times.

Editor: As we’ve all noticed, the wildlife population seems to have tripled around Langley City due to the animals being displaced with the ever-increasing construction of bigger and better housing.  As the homeless animal population swells in search of new digs, they are being met with the disdain of the property owners whose land they were unfortunate enough to cross.

I have seen and heard of coyotes caught in illegal leghold traps, raccoon families burning in chimneys as people start their fireplaces, and the constant screech of brakes as vehicles try to avoid everything from ducks on the road to opossums to squirrels. But what’s to be done?

Last week, I had occasion to search for assistance myself, as a peacock came strutting into our yard.  As peacocks are not native to B.C., I knew he would not survive the winter. I called the SPCA, LAPS, Critter Care, and Mountainview Conservation Centre. All were very polite, but none would help.

Not surprisingly, many people I spoke to have similar stories to tell, as they too required aid in dealing with wild animals from time to time. The above organizations profess to care so much for animal welfare, yet do nothing when approached.

This is so frustrating in a time when native habitat is being torn asunder and there’s such a need for real animal rescue. Wake up people. It’s time to organize and build a rescue shelter for all animals, not just a chosen few.

Maureen Miller,


Langley Times