Many hands make light work

Sincere thanks and appreciation to the community members and volunteers from GUF who came to the historic park clean up on Sunday, April 22.



I would like to take the opportunity to express sincere thanks and appreciation to the community members and volunteers from GUF who came to the historic park clean up on Sunday, April 22.

This event was completely organized and driven by the Guffers themselves with little involvement from Parks Canada. The results were fantastic!

At it’s peak, I counted 18 volunteers, 18-20 bags of trash, two shopping carts, four large tires, countless pieces of broken glass, industrial cables, piping and other hazardous items all being removed from below the waterline of Stuart Lake.

Debris was removed from locations  along the park’s historic shoreline and trash from the north boundary and the Fur Trade Burial ground area.

These locations are both integral components of the historic site’s cultural landscape.

Both the lakeshore and the burial ground/north perimeter of the park are the most heavily impacted by garbage and other material.

Garbage which often blows in from other places in the community or is simply discarded in these locations in an irresponsible way.

Visitors and locals alike can now wander the lakeshore and experience the area in a manner much like what those in 1896 may have seen: free of a lot less trash and a lot more ability to enjoy as a result.

As a park surrounded by community, the stewardship of lakeshores and parklands everywhere are everyone’s responsibility.

Reclaiming these landscapes is as simple as pitching in just a few moments of your time to lend a hand, pick up some trash, thinking twice about your purchases and where those things you purchase go.

It sounds like a cliche from volunteer organizing manuals everywhere: but truly, many hands DO make for lighter work.

And the results that comes from the efforts made by a few amazing people do benefit everyone.

Thank you once more to Marilyn Gammon, Jana Gainor and the entire board and volunteers of GUF once more.

We invite the entire community to come and check out their national historic park and to enjoy their spectacular heritage lakeshore when we open on May 19, 2012.


Kevin Gedling

Product Development Officer

Fort St. James National

Historic Site of Canada

Caledonia Courier