Many opportunities available due to mining

NANAIMO – Mining industry will create thousands of jobs in B.C. in coming years.

To the Editor,

With so much focus on the unparalleled opportunity of exporting B.C.’s natural gas to Asia, it’s easy to overlook the many other equally impressive export and job creation opportunities that are underway in this province.

Over the next two to three years, eight new mines are slated to open in B.C. and another nine are being expanded. This will add as many as 10,000 new jobs to an industry that currently employs close to 30,000 British Columbians.

In addition to jobs, these new and expanded mines will also generate close to $1.6 billion in new revenue for the people of this province every year.

We have so many opportunities available to us here in B.C. I’m glad to see that we’re seizing them and building a solid future we can be proud of to pass on to our children.

Jesse McClinton


Nanaimo News Bulletin