Many questions linger over Saanich’s environmental protection bylaw

Re: Enviro-bylaw changes could impact property values: expert, News (Feb. 25)

Re:  Biologist blasts District over environmental bylaw confusion, News (Feb. 13); Enviro-bylaw changes could impact property values: expert, News (Feb. 25)

What is Saanich protecting with the Environmental Development Permit Area bylaw if they haven’t confirmed whether there are sensitive ecosystems on these residential properties?

Are we to believe that mayor and council in 2012 adopted this bylaw with the intent that something of value such as a sensitive ecosystem needed protection, but that in the three years since then, the District has done nothing to confirm there is anything of value on these properties they’ve locked down or that the restrictions they’ve placed on these properties are in fact protecting anything?

Perhaps the intent is not what the bylaw would suggest. Is it to simply protect or prevent these properties from developing? Is it to somehow enhance the tree bylaw?

Looking at some of the properties affected by the EDPA, it would appear they are often larger parcels of land that border higher density.  Are these affected properties then simply being made to create green space for over densifying the neighbouring properties?

Elaine Warren


Saanich News