Many reasons to reject the Northern Gateway pipeline project

They range from the environmental hazards of spills from the pipeline or tankers, to the devastation of the tar sands region of Alberta

There are numerous reasons why the Northern Gateway pipeline project should never happen.

I am sure you have heard many of the reasons.

They range from the environmental hazards of spills from the pipeline or tankers, to the devastation of the tar sands region of Alberta, to the depletion of resources our descendants will someday need in the future, to the increased costs it will bring to the oil products we use in our lifetime. The Joint Review Panel heard over a thousand people explain why Canada does not need this project.

Do not vote in favour of this project. Do tell our Prime Minister that this project is not in Canada’s best interest. Do tell our Prime Minister that this is a finite Canadian resource. That means it will run out one day.

What we have should be reserved to meet Canada’s needs.

Steve Cooley

Campbell River

Campbell River Mirror