Many take the elected reps at their word

Good grief, more letters about the James Street maple tree.

Good grief, more letters about the James Street maple tree.

I believe the municipality did their due diligence in inspecting the tree and hiring an experienced arborist to assess it, then holding off and again reviewing the situation after protests and their arborist’s assessment.

In the end it was decided that in the public and taxpayers’ best interest and safety, the tree was removed.

I and many others, who do not have the time to come out and oppose the protesters, take the city at their word. But the verbal minority and professional protesters are never happy until they have things going according to their opinion. I love trees too and live on acreage with many big old trees, but this one was dying of old age. It is time to move on and let this one go.


D. Doskocil


Cowichan Valley Citizen