Many thanks

It is with much respect and gratitude I’d like to thank the Nanaimo, Parksville and Qualicum Beach communities

It is with much respect and gratitude I’d like to thank the Nanaimo, Parksville and Qualicum Beach communities this holiday season.

This year I organized a Community Give Back Project that collected over 500 pjs, 156 purses, many gifts, journals, cash donations for a Christmas Eve dinner and over 1,000 toiletries for women and children living in shelters that have fled domestic violence.

Shelters and community partners in our community were beyond grateful, many tears were shed. This year we received so much that we were able to donate to Island Crisis Care Society and Haven Society.

Many community businesses such as Parksville Pharmasave, Natural Hair Evolution, a local school Kwalikum Senior Secondary and Nanaimo Regional General Hospital were a huge part of collecting hundreds and hundreds of donations to deliver to me for the final pick up.

Thank-you everyone for helping me bring some hope, compassion and support to those that need some help while they go through one of the hardest times of their lives. These donations certainly brought some Christmas cheer to the many recipients.

I could not have done this project without all of your donations and support. Many people ask me why I organize this project every Christmas, and all I can simply say is… it’s the right thing to do. Happy holidays from my home to yours.

Aimee Falkenberg

Forensic Nurse Examiner


Parksville Qualicum Beach News