Many transit users won’t get a chance to vote

Those under 18 who use transit regularly can't vote in elections.

Editor: I would like to express my outrage as to the fact that regional transit funding could be placed in the hands of several million voters, none of which are going to be under 18 because those people are regarded as underage and have no say in their provincial government.

Public transit needs to be treated as a first-class transportation system, not only because it’s the most sustainable and efficient way of moving people, but because it is relied on by many groups of people (particularly young people and students). They are hurt by the lack thereof.

By turning to a decision option that excludes the voices of the young population and creates the risk that those who do not care about young people will be favoured, the BC Liberals are continuing their consistent disrespect of the young population.

Remember the Liberals’ Bill 22? Because of their incompetence, B.C. now has the worst student-to-teacher ratio in Canada. The situation being faced by young people in B.C. today is already very tough, and a denial of their voice in defining their transportation future will only make it worse.

Investing in transit is crucial to giving young people mobility choices that they need, to pursue the opportunities and connections that will allow them to become productive members of society. Prioritizing young people is important, because they can become the innovators that this world will need to solve global issues.

I will be voting for another party this season. Well, I would be if I could, but I cannot vote. Unfortunately, I’m under 18.

Daryl Dela Cruz,


Langley Times