Maple Pool tenants in deep trouble, but not from river

Dear editor,

Many letters have asked why the City of Courtenay wants to evict our neighbors at Jin and Dali Lin's Maple Pool Campsite.

Dear editor,

Many letters to the Record have asked why the City of Courtenay wants to evict our neighbors at Jin and Dali Lin’s Maple Pool Campsite.

City Hall doesn’t respond to their question, so I will.

Sandy Gray, the chief administrator for the City, ordered Jin Lin to evict the tenants of Maple Pool during the flood of 2010. He gave her three days.

Of course, she told him where to take his silliness. His order was illegal and brutal. He wanted 50 or more sheltered people  evicted.

You two councillors who don’t claim to have “Common Sense” are as compliant as the rest — no politician will cross a chief administrator. He’s around for a long time, building his power, while you come and go under his bureaucratic control.

The Lins and their tenants are in deep trouble. River water is not the problem. See

They are fighting for the right to exist as they have, so successfully, for so many years.

I am putting Courtenay city council on notice that those of us who have more imagination than Common Sense will make life difficult for anyone who tries to evict our friends from Maple Pool.

Maple Pool is not the problem. You are.

Jeff Hartbower,


Comox Valley Record