Editor, The Times:
On Monday March 31, the Canada Health Accord between the federal and provincial governments expired. This means $36 billion in funding to the provinces for health care will be cut by 2015.
BC’s Health Coalition organized a march on the same day in Kamloops to Cathy McLeod’s office. I walked along with many concerned citizens to the MP’s office where a thousand postcards containing messages of dissatisfaction were delivered.
I believe protecting and improving our public health care should be a priority for all Canadians. It deeply disturbs me that the Harper Conservative government has refused to hold a First Minister’s meeting to renegotiate the Health Accord.
I believe we need real leadership on health care. We need real progress on reducing the cost of drugs. We need the principles of Medicare to be expanded to cover post-hospital and continuing care for the frail elderly, the sick and the dying.
Please consider the severity of this issue and send a note or a postcard to Mr. Harper urging him to do the right thing. All of our lives are affected by this heinous attach on public health in Canada.
Sandra Holmes
Clearwater, B.C.