Marijuana should be legalized

Economic benefits would be huge, asserts letter writer

Editor, The Record:

Re: Marijuana laws fall under federal authority, Sept. 19 edition.

In reference to Coun. Nelson Tilbury’s letter regarding new Canadian marijuana grow laws, I believe it is exactly what Canadians want and believe. That marijuana is the gateway to economic prosperity.

Not only should marijuana be legalized, the government should take over full control from production to retail. We should hire the best horticultural engineers to build the largest and most sophisticated grow operations. Hire all the best growers, pay them handsomely. Grow the highest quality pot, so you can cut it to any strength.

Market it to other legal jurisdictions. Retail it in liquor and cannabis outlets with no middle man.

If 10 per cent (3.3 million) of Canadians used one pound ($2,000), that equals $6.6 billion, not counting the sales to other legal jurisdictions. This is the very most conservative estimate; it’s probably at least triple that.

Currently, most of this loot heads south through organized crime groups, so what the hell are we doing? Now, instead of paying down our debt and sponsoring social programs we are importing cocaine. Isn’t that healthy?

Let’s just stop this senseless way of dealing with people’s mental health and vice issues. If we legalized pot we might actually be able to afford to help them. Right now, they have next to none.

Art Green


Mission City Record