Marysville bench lands

What do we want with the bench ? We want a park, the Marysville Bench Park! We want it for all the community to use for years and decades to come, we want to save and save this beauty. But it is more then that, it is flat and can be used for seniors and disabled or injuries , I see them walking it all the time, and that will included all of us some day. Plus it is open and most women prefer to walk in open spaces for the feeling of safety. It has been used for 50 years or more some say 100 years. This area, Marysville or south Kim, whatever u want to label it, like it or not , doesn't have one and that isn't ok, Council Goodwin , Kitto and Oakley should understand what that means to us, more then anyone. It is our nature park, we use it daily, it is our Marysville Nature Park, small , yes but we don't complain about that, we just want it left alone, protected, natural, so it can be used for another 100 yrs of recreational usage. We don't want to walk around fences, paving, metal buildings, noise, trucks, gas smells, who in kimberley does? That is not us, any of us, or we wouldn't want to live here. I think most of Kimberley Residents understand this need.

Marysville bench lands

What do we want with the bench ? We want a park, the Marysville Bench Park! We want it for all the community to use for years and decades to come, we want to save and save this beauty. But it is more then that, it is flat and can be used for seniors and disabled or injuries , I see them walking it all the time, and that will included all of us some day. Plus it is open and most women prefer to walk in open spaces for the feeling of safety. It has been used for 50 years or more some say 100 years. This area, Marysville or south Kim, whatever u want to label it, like it or not , doesn’t have one and that isn’t ok, Council Goodwin , Kitto and Oakley should understand what that means to us, more then anyone. It is our nature park, we use it daily, it is our Marysville Nature Park, small , yes but we don’t complain about that, we just want it left alone, protected, natural, so it can be used for another 100 yrs of recreational usage. We don’t want to walk around fences, paving, metal buildings, noise, trucks, gas smells, who in kimberley does? That is not us, any of us, or we wouldn’t want to live here. I think most of Kimberley Residents understand this need.

The other part we want is the continued peace, this is only respectful to this community. Do you realize how many homes and lives would be ruined do the traffic,smell, noise? For gosh sake people live below and all around, it would be awful!

We are part of kimberley, the choice shouldn’t be ” what is good for up town ” , should be what is best for all and this isn’t.

The many letters sent in state over and over about how the noise carries in Marysville, many of us clearly hear the voices on the trail and the clang of the wreaking yard. We are a quiet , laid back, sub culture of kimberley , we have been since I remember from 1978, we want to keep it that way, we have an Industrial park – LETS USE IT, jobs can be from there, we are ok with one or use the north side when ready ,we would have a bench buffer. We welcome industry with open arms , just not on our beloved bench lands. Please don’t vote to surround this community with industry, Marysville tax payers need the respect of the community leaders and can’t become the Kimberley community dumping grounds.

It’s not about one business it is about the bigger picture and this is what we are

asking for, quality of life, that’s why we chose to live in Marysville, raising families, we love it this way, quiet, peaceful. We pay taxes for this and the bench is part of us, part of this peace, the Kimberley…..Marysville recreational area. We are Asking you to please let it be.

Thank You.

Bev Middlebrook

Kimberley, BC

Kimberley Daily Bulletin