Match your personality to your pet

Matches between pet and owner are more successful when personalities are compatible

Tango has several false starts before settling into life in Germany.

Tango has several false starts before settling into life in Germany.

Dogs have personalities too, as any owner can tell you. What happens when the personality of the dog does not match with an owner’s situation? The dog loses out. That is part of Tango’s story.

Tango is a Jack Russell Terrier with plenty of attitude. Her story begins when she was part of a ‘back yard’ breeding program. She lived in a kennel and had several litters. But this is not what she was bred for.

She needed to be out and active. After several years of this, she seemed to go crazy and began obsessing on things, acting out and causing problems.

Since she was not good with children, she was surrendered to the girls at the Crooked Leg Ranch and they had the job of introducing her to a ‘normal’ dog’s life. Happily, an adoption was arranged and Tango became the focus of an active life with her new owner. All was great for a year until new people and a new dog were brought into her world. This meant that Tango was no longer the centre of attention so she bit the other dog and was again surrendered.

As it happens, the ranch had a visitor at this time. Caroline, from Germany, was working as part of a Farm Stay program. Caroline and Tango fell in love. They did chores and watched TV together. All was good but, Caroline was due to fly home soon.What could they do?

It didn’t take Caroline long to realize that Tango had to go home with her. Rabies shots, federal veterinarian paperwork and quarantine restrictions were all part of the process that was amazingly smooth. Today, Tango is a happy German princess.

Research the breed of your dog before you choose one so that its personality can best fit your situation. As well, be wary of buying a puppy online because the conditions are often not what you would like for your dog.

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Liz-Anne Eyford is a volunteer with Crooked Leg Ranch.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer