Maxime Bernier could be a Canadian Donald Trump

If Trump can become U.S. president then there is a chance, no matter how unlikely, that Bernier could become prime minister

Editor, The Times:

I was in Kamloops recently for the day.

During a visit to the Kamloops Library I picked up a copy of the Globe and Mail.

There on the opinion page (editorial pages) was a column by Maxime Bernier – now front runner for the leadership of Canada’s Conservative Party, since Kevin O’Leary dropped out.

It was a great thank you to Donald Trump for threatening Canada’s supply management system. Let’s do away with it. Let the Free Market decide (yeah, just the way it did during the banking crisis of 2007-08).

Yet, after all, others like Andrew Coyne cheered for Trump and no doubt a lot of Canada’s neo-cons feel the same way.

“In a chaotic rollout for the ages Trump stuffed his cabinet with tyrants, zealots and imbeciles – all bent on destroying our government from within.” – Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone.

So this is the man that Bernier, Coyne and others are sucking up to?

Bernier has some interesting plans for the CBC and Canada’s medical system.

I keep telling myself we are Canadians, that Bernier or Kevin O’Leary could never become leader of this fair land. But then I didn’t really believe that Donald Trump could become head of the largest power on the globe! If Trump can become U.S. president then there is a chance, no matter how unlikely, that Bernier could become prime minister. One should not dismiss this possibility.

“Every move confirmed the darkest theory of the Trump White House as a state smashing revolution disguised as populism.” – Matt Taibbi again!

Just substitute the name Bernier for Trump and one can see what Canada is in for!

The worst problem for this country (well actually there are a number) is that our business – Chamber of Commerce gang is such a bunch of right-wingers complete with that ever-present branch plant mentality.

The Trudeau is yet untested in this sort of crisis. We’ll just have to see.

As for Bernier, Coyne, and all the others, the less said about them the better.

However, we do have a window into what would happen if Bernier became prime minister.

To be forewarned is to be forewarned.

Dennis Peacock

Clearwater, B.C.


Clearwater Times