Maybe the previous generation had it right

I am a teacher on call in School District 8. It might be best for me to say nothing.

I am a teacher on call in School District 8. It might be best for me to say nothing. But, I need to urge readers to think very, very deeply on where BC and Canada seem headed as government everywhere at all levels plead “the economy” as the irrefutable reason why we are getting less and less from the revenues our elected servants disburse in health, education, social programs and environmental protection.

I cannot believe how the world has unfolded since I left university in 1970. The promises always made when I was young, about continuous material improvement in our quality of life, have been left behind as forgotten history. No one could have told my generation that homelessness, poverty, student debt and degradation of our country’s habitat would reach lower and lower depths of desperation over the last four decades.

How did we come to this? I feel I have some pretty good grasp of the process, but it takes study of the history. I study it.

Canadians may not be equal to the task of keeping their democracy and their liberties. We may have already passed our prime, and that is a hard admission for me to make, who always thought my father’s generation had made so many mistakes.

Dad, you and your peers look better and better as time passes.

Charles Jeanes



Nelson Star