Mayor, council should commit to transparency

Any candidate for mayor or council who refuses to disclose business to the public who paid for it is unworthy of your vote.

To the Editor,

Let’s be blunt. Any candidate for mayor or council who does not publicly, in writing, commit to an independent investigation of the illegal secrecy refusing to disclose business the public who paid for it is entitled to, abuse of staff, golden handshakes with our tax money, hiring of useless staff, etc., is unworthy of your vote.

Furthermore, that pledge should include a commitment to seek, by all legal means available, re-imbursement of wasted tax money from the abusers personally.

And, if you do not vote? The abusers of public office will only be emboldened, thinking they ‘got away with it.’ Citizens must act or lose their power.

Gary KorpanNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin